12 Signs You Need to Clean Your Air Ducts

As an HVAC expert, I know that the airflow of your system should be the same in every room of the house. If it seems that the air leaves the vents more slowly or that it does not come out at all, this indicates that the air duct is clogged. But what's worse, dirty air ducts can endanger your health and well-being. Read on for 12 signs that your air duct needs cleaning. Mold or mildew are a sure sign that it's time to clean the air conditioner.

It's common for condensation to build up in the HVAC system. This can manifest as the formation of mold near the air duct grille. But it can also cause mold to start growing in different parts of the house. If you have a moldy air duct, your air conditioning system expels those spores throughout the house. If you're having trouble keeping mold away inside your home, you should call an HVAC technician to help you clean your air ducts.

Call someone right away if you think you may have mold in your air ducts. Mold spores in the air can cause serious health problems. You could be ingesting dust, mold, or other particles that are making your allergies worse. If you think you're experiencing an allergic reaction to something, be sure to check the air ducts. As mentioned before, your HVAC system will blow air into your house.

That air will carry everything it collects in the air ducts. This can include mold, dust, and other harmful particles. Visiting a professional air duct cleaning service every 3 to 5 years can prevent many maintenance and health problems before they occur. That's why it's important to regularly check the condition of the air ducts to see if they might need cleaning services. Dirt and traces of dust on the ventilation covers indicate that the air ducts are dirty and need to be cleaned. Larger duct cleaning systems mounted on trailers or vans typically use low-power motor compressors and generate more suction, usually 400 to 1000 CFM.

Cleaning HVAC ducts properly isn't a do-it-yourself project, nor is it the job of a cheap person who has an air compressor in a van. The easiest way to tell if air ducts need to be cleaned is for irregular airflow in the bedroom, bathroom, living room, and even the kitchen. You should inspect the air ducts every three years and, thereafter, every year until they need to be cleaned. It's easy to think that the ducts in your home are simply a network of ducts that meander around the house, but the location and purpose of the ducts have some reason and reason. Due to the very nature of airflow around the house, over time you may begin to notice the following signs of dirty and clogged air ducts:

  • Mold or mildew near or around vents
  • Unexplained allergic reactions
  • Dust accumulation on surfaces
  • Irregular airflow in different rooms
However, if a constant layer of dust accumulates in your home, it's time to clean the air ducts. Instead of constantly scrubbing surfaces in your house, ask a professional to clean the air ducts and solve the problem once and for all. While portable cleaning systems cost less and are practical, they lack the suction power needed to remove dust and debris trapped in residential ducts.

Cleaning HVAC systems requires specialized equipment and knowledge; therefore, it's best left to professionals who know how to do it safely and effectively.

Visiting a professional air duct cleaning service every 3 to 5 years

can prevent many maintenance and health problems before they occur. That's why it's important to regularly check the condition of your air ducts so you can tell when they need cleaning services. By taking these steps now, you can ensure that your home is safe from allergens and other pollutants that can cause health problems.

Shelia Tungate
Shelia Tungate

Proud music scholar. Hipster-friendly social media buff. Freelance web junkie. Proud pop culture buff. General travel buff.